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CloseNDI Analysis
Analyze, debug, and improve your NDI connections.
Expert users employ NDI Analysis to examine the performance of NDI network connections and debug problems in any workflow.
Key Features
Get down to the detail.
Access complex statistics such as detailed information about the sources available on a network and their connection types, which is helpful for debugging systems or troubleshooting problems.
Keep track of your sources.
Locate NDI sources on the local network using a special version of NDI that receives all data from a source and provides information and diagnosis.
Extract your data in real-time.
Generate a CSV file that contains information about the timing of every frame captured, useful for further analysis.
Important information
NDI Analysis does not decode any data, meaning the CPU performance of the host machine has little impact on the results shown. The tool is designed to measure stream details as they might be received in an ideal receiving instance, where only upstream CPU performance, network, network infrastructure, and machine network performance affect the results.
Made by NDI.
Version Number: 6.0
Version HistoryDownload NDI Analysis
Become compatible with the ecosystem and decode all NDI formats.
Enhance your video connectivity with our commercial license and unlock all features and formats.